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The Lower Eyelid Clinical Signs

By Prof Dr.Gehad Elnahri

The Lower Eyelid

Examination of the lower eyelid is rich in clinical signs. Truly it shares many of its diseases with the upper eyelid but it has several exclusive features

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Everything you need to know about mouth ulcers

Mouth ulcers are painful areas in the mouth and gums. They are also known as canker sores.


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翻轉肺癌 免疫療法打破治療僵局


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Swollen Posterior Cervical Lymph Nodes: Causes and Treatments

Posterior cervical lymph nodes, tonsils, thymus gland, lymphatic vessels and fluid, and all lymph nodes at the groin, underarm and in the neck form the lymphatic system. Lymphatic fluid collects components such as bacteria and protein from different parts of the body and transports them to the lymph nodes. Then the lymph nodes destroy and remove these components. Located above the neck’s base in a line that runs vertically at the back of the neck, these lymph nodes receive lymph from the head and neck area.


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Painful Lump in Breast

Eventually, the young girl starts to undergo the hormonal changes of becoming a woman and menstruation begins with development of breasts. These changes in the breast tissues will often include itching, pain, and other discomforts, particularly during the menstrual cycle. Sometimes lumps will develop and they can become tender or even painful, but this is actually fairly common and such developments are typically not related to cancer.


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 利未記(七): 聖會的節期

利未記二十三章是這樣開始的:“耶和華對摩西說:你曉諭以色列人說:耶和華的節期,你們要宣告為聖會的節期。”(利二十三:1-2) 在這一章裡, 上帝吩咐了許多有關節期的條例。雖然許多這些節日都是為了紀念上帝在過去的所作所為, 但在當時也預表了將來要發生的事情及上帝的應許: “所以,不拘在飲食上,或節期、月朔、安息日都不可讓人論斷你們。這些原是後事的影兒;那形體卻是基督。”(西二:16-17) 今天我們再回頭來看這些節期, 就更能體會到上帝的恩典及大能。同時, 通過對這些節期的預表的了解, 我們也可以翹首以待上帝對將來的應許。


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OCT interpretation capsules


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Pseudoexfoliation syndrome is a systemic disorder in which a fibrillar, proteinaceous substance is produced in abnormally high concentrations within ocular tissues. It is the most common cause of secondary glaucoma worldwide, and the most frequent cause of unilateral glaucoma. In addition, the resultant pseudoexfoliation glaucoma responds poorly to medical therapy compared with other types of glaucoma and can lead to rapid progression of optic nerve damage. Owing to pseudoexfoliation glaucoma’s prevalence and severity, ophthalmologists should examine the eye for signs of pseudoexfoliation syndrome, as it is a major risk factor for glaucoma development.

What Is Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome?


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